Do you need Claim Assistance?

Don’t worry we are here to help you.


What is an Insurance Claim?

An insurance claim is a request made by the policy holder to insurance provider formally to provide compensation against losses covered in the insurance plan. An Insurance claim must be filed when the accidental event covered under your insurance policy occurs. The main purpose is to inform the insurer that the event has occurred that your insurance plan covers and the insurer should reimburse the claim amount.


How Insurance claim works?

  • An Insurance claim acts as a shield/ protection against financial losses.
  • It provides relief against unfortunate events such as medical emergencies, accidents and other uncertainties of life.
  • The claims can cover medical expenses, help your loved ones meet their cost of living , act as income replacements. The claims can help your family make both ends meet if they lose your financial support due to an unfortunate event.


Stages of processing a claim

Raising a Claim

You must inform your insurance provider about the unfortunate event that has occurred against which your family is insured.

Claim Processing

You need to fill up claim forms either online or in the office of your insurance provider.

Claim Settelment

The insurance provider reviews your claim and if it meets the terms and conditions mentioned in your policy, they approve and reimburse the claim amount.

Talk to our insurance experts

Our experts are always there to assist you whenever you need, they will be always there for you to provide you the best service.