About company

With Sureance Create a secure and relaxed future that your family deserves.

Sureance is dedicated to offering quality services to its valuable clients to assist them to lead a better existence without disturbing much about the future. Being an esteemed Financial Planner and Financial Services Provider in West Bengal, our most important purpose is to offer bespoke solutions to our clients to help them secure their future and gain their desires in life without dealing with any obstacles.


What Keeps Sureance stand above the rest?

The happy faces of our clients are our topmost priority. We leave no stone unturned to provide exceptional service that enables an individual to lead a life of pride and happiness fulfilling their long and short-term goals and creating a secure future for their family/loved ones.

  • We ensure our clients lead a quality life without worrying much

  • To offer the best value for money

  • Provide exceptional financial guidance to help our clients enjoy financial freedom in life and turn their dreams into reality

  • Set a high standard in the industry by going that extra mile

  • excel in every aspect to set a remarkable example in the industry




Gave insurances



Professional team



Satisfied customers



Our success rate