Investment planning and its advantages

Investing money smartly makes your life much better. It will not only financially secure your life but will also help you fulfill your dreams. Investment planning is required before investing your hard-earned money to lead a worry-free life with your loved ones.

Investment planning is the process through which you can identify your financial goals and work on converting them through...

Health Insurance and the difference between Individual and Family Health Insurance plans

Medical emergencies can come any day, any time and if you are not well prepared to handle those situations, you can suffer a major financial blow. Health Insurance is a type of insurance that covers the whole or a part of the medical expenses that you or your loved ones are bearing. The benefit of health insurance are many

  • It provides coverage against costly  medical...

What is life Insurance? What is the importance of it?

Life Insurance is a formal contract between an insurance company and a policy owner, where in exchange for the premium the insurance company promises to pay a certain amount of money after a set period or upon the death of an insured person.

Types of Life Insurance

There are different types of life insurance available that you can choose according to your...